Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Writing Assignment #1

The web post "Adaptations to desert environments" on this site examines how natural selection has molded the morphology, physiology, and behvior of organisms living in arid environments.

Writing Assignment #1

Imagine that you have been assigned the job of developing material that can be used in the visitors center of a desert nature park. The purpose of this information is to teach park visitors about the organisms that live in deserts. You should think of your audience as being reasonably intelligent non-scientists (e.g., your roommate, your grandma, etc). Make sure that your material addresses the following points.

1) identify and discus the unique challenges associated with living in arid environments

2) explain adaptations of animals and plants for water uptake and water conservation

3) explain adaptations of animals and plants for dealing with high temperatures

Format: Maximum length is three pages. Use Times New Roman 12 point font, black color. You should put your name, date, and the title of your essay at the top of the page (there is no need for a "cover sheet".)

Due: First Draft Due Friday September 9th. Bring 3 copies of the paper with you to class on Friday (make sure you have a STAPLER and staple the pages together)! One copy will be for me and two copies will be for the other members of your "workshop" group. We will workshop the papers in class on Monday and the final paper will be due on Friday September 16th. Please make sure all work is turned in on time!!

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